Never Alone

Jesus loves me

“Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.” 

-Psalm 27:10-

There are times in life you honestly don’t know which way to turn. You seemed to of  crashed and burned. Life has not been all that good to you. You don’t understand why it seems everyone you loved has left you. For you, maybe it was a spouse, someone who promised “till death do you part.” Yet, instead they broke your heart. For others, maybe it was a parent, rather a father or a mother. Someone who was suppose to love you the moment you entered the world. Maybe it was a friend who promised to be there till the end, yet they betrayed you.

Due to the pain you endured, you journeyed through life feeling alone, abandoned, and rejected. You thought no one cared. No one saw your many tears you cried. No one could love someone like you. Did you know there is someone that did? His name is Jesus. You were never alone in your journey. Your journey carried a purpose, maybe you have yet to have seen. He loved you the moment He formed you in your mother’s womb. He gave you a purpose the moment you entered life. Your pain has purpose. He was there the whole time.

I entered the world abandoned shortly after birth by my own mother. This scarred me for life. I walked through the many seasons feeling alone. I believed the lie I had no purpose. I battled with suicide as a child up until the night everything changed. Jesus Christ saved my life shortly after my grandmother’s death. From that moment on I knew I was never alone. He was there the whole time. He was there when my mom abandoned me after birth. He was there during the many deaths in my family. He was there through the trauma , pain , and shame. He was there during every obstacle.  He was there during the storms of life carrying me through to the other side.

You may currently be feeling abandoned, rejected, and alone. God wants you to know He is there. Though you might not see Him now, you will look back later and see He was there the whole time. He held you through every heart ache you endured. He calmed the stormy seas of life as they came. He walked with you through your many losses. He guided you when people you love abandoned you. He dried your every tear you cried. He was there when your loved ones died. He loves you so much. You were NEVER alone. He was ALWAYS there n He forever cares.

The void of a mother not being in my life was very painful. It got worse when the one I trusted as a mother ended up abandoning me too. I had let her in a very tender area of my heart that I promised never to let anyone in. It was not until that one left that I learned I was never ALONE. Jesus was there the whole time. He is my mother and father. He adopted me as His own beloved daughter. It was only when this happened I grew closer to Him than ever. It was only then I began to heal. I finally became whole again. My broken pieces finally became a complete masterpiece of His grace.

May this blog encourage you that you are NEVER alone. Jesus is right there with you. He has ADOPTED you as His own child. He holds you close. He never lets you go.

Writing with Purpose for His Service,

Ruby! 🙂




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