Come Back to Him


Below is a poem God led me to write today. I am led to share it with the world. Right now we are in a huge crisis. People are dying every day. People are sick and need healing. Some are out of work with no pay. It’s like the whole world is on lock down. God has pressed the Pause button. There is a RESET taking place.

“Therefore say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Return to Me,” declares the LORD of hosts, “that I may return to you,” says the LORD of hosts” -Zechariah 1:3- 

I believe God is crying out to the nations to return to Him. Please take time and read this poem and let His Spirit speak to you through the words that flow on the page. My blog will be taking a shift in this new season. Not only will there be full blogs, I will be sharing poems that He gives me when led.

Come Back to Him


Don’t take the little things for granted.

Smiles are contagious. You never know who is in need of one.

Hugs are the best medicine. As you are embraced your problems just melt away.

All of this life is temporary. However, Hope is Eternal.

Don’t take life for granted. It is just a vapor in the wind that will quickly fade if not embraced.

How much of our life is vanity? We are constantly in a rush. Constantly on the go.

Now we have no choice but to Know the God of ALL creation.

Let us run into anticipation into our Father’s arms. Let there be no cause for alarm.

He has plans to prosper us n give us a future. All things work for our good.

The Earth is crying out for His return. Let Him burn all of your iniquities away.

Come His bride, It is time to enter into a new day. Let Him show you a new way.

Embrace His grace. Fall on your face. Cry out all ye people of the Land.

For He wants to save you with His mighty right hand!

Turn back to Him wayward children, He longs for your embrace.

Let Him heal your wounds daughters. Let Him embrace you with His forgiveness husbands and wives.

For it is time to come back to Him all you prodigal sons and daughters.

Remember your first love. Remember how He gave His life for yours.

Come out of darkness into His marvelous light.

He loves you with an everlasting love. Can’t you see all of the world is crying out?

It is time to wake up from your slumber. Let your hearts weep for the sins of this nation.

How much longer will you stand idle and see the world in crisis?

Suffering is all around. Rise to your purpose.

Weep for the nations.

Watch in acceleration when the great harvest begins.

Time for the world to be cleansed from their sins.

Time to Begin Again.

Our world is currently on a standstill. During this time of stillness, take time to really go DEEPER with God. Get your hearts right with Him. Listen to His still, small voice during this time away from the distractions and noise. My prayer is that this poem really speaks to you wherever you may currently be in the world.

Writing with Purpose for His Service,

Ruby Bush ❤

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