Life in Motion


The inspiration for this blog post comes from a few days back.  My husband and I went for a walk around the park in down town Orlando. I come from a small town in South Georgia. Before, moving here I would of never considered relocating to a major city. However, God knew. He had other plans. These plans were way BIGGER than I could dream of. I never knew of His plan until I took a step of faith outside of my comfort zone. I’ve learned over the course of my life, LIFE happens in steps. You can’t get to where He desires to take you all at once. You won’t get there by STOPPING either. You only get there by constantly being in motion.

I love the picture above. I caught the perfect view of my husband in motion. In a way, this is how God watches us. As we take flight into the adventure known as LIFE, He watches us. He knows we will mess up. He knows we will fall. However, He is there. He waits till the perfect moment to adjust the wind. It leads us to our next destination. We are like the birds of the air in His eyes. If He takes care of them, then He certainly will take care of us.

I used to live life in two different ways. It was either in fast motion, or slow motion. I never took life as it comes. I was too busy trying to get somewhere too fast. I was also afraid of taking steps into the unknown. So this would literally FREEZE my progress. Fear will always prevent you from getting to where God desires to take you. FAITH is what you have activate. Life is meant to be lived in motion. If you would just pause sometimes, look around, and SEE how life constantly moves even when you are still.

While on a walk in the park with my husband, God taught me this. He had me stand still and observe my surroundings. As I looked around me, I saw life in motion. I saw the birds fly over my husband as he captured beautiful images. I watched couples pass by. Laughing and engaged in conversation with each other. I saw children playing with their mothers. I saw people enjoying life. This was LIFE in MOTION. This is the way God views life. This is also the way we should live life.

God never intended us to live life on PAUSE. Yes, I understand at times He wants us to REST. However, never to give up for good. God taught me something that day. He used the photo I captured of my husband doing what he loves best. My husband loves art and photography. He can find life in the dullest of places. However, he was not aware that I captured a breath taking photo of a flock of birds flying over him. Life was in motion at that very second. God captured us. He is the artist. He is the one who breathes LIFE. On this day, He sent the birds at the perfect timing while my husband was taking a beautiful photo of the lake. In the meantime , He allowed me to capture a stunning photo of His masterpiece using the one I love most. I call the masterpiece above  , “Life in Motion.”

You may think what you are doing is useless. However, He sees it as a utensil to use to encourage someone else. You may see life in reverse or forward. However, I invite you to just press PLAY and see it in MOTION. Sometimes, what you are doing has a GREATER meaning. God uses it for others. Life is not about you. It is about being used for His glory. My husband may not ever know, he inspired this post. However, he did by doing what he loved to do. He loves capturing beautiful photos. In the process, he was apart of one, designed by our Heavenly creator. May this encourage you that no matter what you are doing, it has a purpose. God is using it to create a beautiful masterpiece.

Writing with Purpose for His Service,

Broken and Restored Ministries,

Ruby 🙂

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